Default Integrations

The below system integrations are part of the standard library or the interpreter itself and are enabled by default. To understand what they do and how to disable them if they cause issues, read on.

What's Enabled by Default


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.InboundFilters

This integration allows you to ignore specific errors based on the type, message, or URLs in a given exception.

By default, it'll ignore errors that start with Script error or Javascript error: Script error.

To configure this integration, use the ignoreErrors, ignoreTransactions, denyUrls, and allowUrls SDK options directly. Keep in mind that denyURLs and allowURLs only work for captured exceptions, not raw message events.


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.FunctionToString

This integration allows the SDK to provide original functions and method names, even when those functions or methods are wrapped by our error or breadcrumb handlers.

Import name: Sentry.Integrations.Breadcrumbs

This integration wraps native APIs to capture breadcrumbs. By default, the Sentry SDK wraps all APIs.

Available options:

  // Log calls to `console.log`, `console.debug`, etc
  console: boolean;

  // Log all click and keypress events
  // - When an object with `serializeAttribute` key is provided,
  //   Breadcrumbs integration will look for given attribute(s) in DOM elements,
  //   while generating the breadcrumb trails.
  //   Matched elements will be followed by their custom attributes,
  //   instead of their `id`s or `class` names.
  dom: boolean | { serializeAttribute: string | string[] };

  // Log HTTP requests done with the Fetch API
  fetch: boolean;

  // Log calls to `history.pushState` and friends
  history: boolean;

  // Log whenever we send an event to the server
  sentry: boolean;

  // Log HTTP requests done with the XHR API
  xhr: boolean;


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.LinkedErrors

This integration allows you to configure linked errors. They'll be recursively read up to a specified limit, and a lookup will be performed by a specific key on the captured Error object. By default, the integration records up to five errors and the key used for recursion is "cause".

This integration also enhances captured error events with data from an AggregateError where applicable, by recursively iterating over the errors property on Error objects.

Available options:

  key: string; // default: "cause"
  limit: number; // default: 5

Here is a code example of how this could be implemented:

  title="Get Reviews"
  onPress={async () => {
    const movie =;
    try {
      await fetchMovieReviews(movie);
    } catch (e) {
      const fetchError = new Error(`Failed to fetch reviews for: ${movie}`);
      fetchError.cause = e;


(Previously: UserAgent)

Import name: Sentry.Integrations.HttpContext

This integration attaches HTTP request information, such as URL, user-agent, referrer, and other headers to the event. It allows us to correctly catalog and tag events with specific OS, browser, and version information.


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.Dedupe

This integration is enabled by default for Browser, but only deduplicates certain events. It can be helpful if you're receiving many duplicate errors. Note, that Sentry only compares stack traces and fingerprints.

import * as Sentry from "@sentry/react-native";
import { Dedupe as DedupeIntegration } from "@sentry/integrations";

  dsn: "",
  integrations: [new DedupeIntegration()],

Modifying System Integrations

To disable system integrations, set defaultIntegrations: false when calling init().

To override their settings, provide a new instance with your config to the integrations option. For example, to turn off browser capturing console calls:

  dsn: "",

  integrations: [
    new Sentry.Integrations.Breadcrumbs({
      console: false,

Removing an Integration

This example removes the default-enabled integration for adding breadcrumbs to the event:

  // ...
  integrations: function (integrations) {
    // integrations will be all default integrations
    return integrations.filter(function (integration) {
      return !== "Breadcrumbs";
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