
Sentry's Dashboards provide you with a broad overview of your application’s health by allowing you to navigate through error and performance data across multiple projects. Dashboards are made up of one or more widgets, and each widget visualizes one or more Discover queries.

Widgets visualizing events, errors by country, affected users, and handled vs unhandled issues.

All widgets in the same view reflect the date range indicated in date time range filter and update synchronously if you update that date range. You can also zoom in on any time series visualizations you may want to investigate, and all of the widgets reflect the time period that you’ve zoomed in on.


If you’d like to edit the default dashboard or build out multiple ones, each with their own set of unique widgets, you may want to consider our Custom Dashboards feature which enables you to create more robust views such as the one below.

Widgets visualizing key page performance, Web Vitals, and user misery.

Open Dashboard Widgets in Discover

Each Dashboard widget has an ellipsis that opens a context menu. From here, you can open the widget in Discover for to get more information. If a widget contains more than one query, you'll be prompted to select which query to view in Discover.

Widget Viewer

Dashboard widgets can be opened in an expanded widget viewer mode for further exploration. The widget viewer allows enhanced filtering, sorting, and navigation features that are not available in the basic widget card view:

  • Widget tables display more rows per page, can be paginated and sorted, and allow column width adjustment
  • Widget charts can be zoomed in without affecting the rest of the dashboard
  • Chart visualizations display an additional table of results grouped by title for further insights
  • Widget viewer URLs can be copied and shared for easy revisiting

Click the expand icon on the top right of any widget card to open the viewer.

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